Friday, January 16, 2015

America Should Not Be the Model of a Developed Country


Monday, September 1, 2014

Some seriously questionable advice

Sunday morning, second cup of coffee...

Checking Facebook news feed, I came across the following article:
HONG KONG BILLIONAIRE LI KA-SHING TEACHES YOU HOW TO BUY A CAR & HOUSE IN 5 YEARS. Curious about what this expert on the subject of getting rich [though, not unlikely through exploitation] had to say, I began reading to find some unarguably practical advice that seems to be more or less common sense, as long as you do not have to set aside any portion of your income for rent or paying back student loans.

However, here are some quotes that I found particularly troubling:

"When you are poor, spend less time at home and more time outside. When you are rich, stay at home more and less outside. This is the art of living. When you are poor, spend money on others. When you’re rich, spend money on yourself. Many people are doing the opposite."  

The art of living is being indoors, insulated from the rest of society? Maybe that is why the rich have to spend so much money on security systems. 

"When you are poor, be good to others. Don’t be calculative. When you are rich, you must learn to let others be good to you."

Really? I mean, really? I don't think I need to explain why I find this so appalling. 

"When you are poor, spend money so that people can see it. When you are rich, do not show off. Just silently spend the money on yourself. When you are poor, you must be generous. When you are rich, you must not be seen as a spendthrift."

What is the logic behind spending money so people can see it, regardless of whether you are rich or poor? This also seems to be a contradictory statement: for rich people, do not show off, but do not come across as a spendthrift? 

"To make friends, expand your interpersonal circle. This will make you well off...You can buy your friends 2 lunches a month, each at $150. Who should you buy lunch for? Always remember to buy lunch for people who are more knowledgeable than you, richer than you or people who have helped you in your career. Make sure you do that every month. After one year, your circle of friends should have generated tremendous value for you. Your reputation, influence, added value will be clearly recognized. You’ll also enhance your image of being good and generous."

Making 'friends'? Friends seem to be only those who can enhance your career. Someone who is poor is not worth your time or scarce money. Make sure you spend money on those who will help your career, not in a way that might help make society a better place. Just look generous, you don't actually have to be generous.

In summary, if you are poor, you should be giving your money to people who are richer than you and when you are rich, you should be spending all of your money on yourself.

Great advice!